You’re importing some data into MySQL and using LOAD DATA INFILE so you can do a SHOW WARNINGS afterwards. Every line of your import file has a warning:
| Warning | 1262 | Row 1 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns
| Warning | 1262 | Row 2 was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns
The fix is easy, and you’d think of it eventually, but you thought you’d try google instead. So I’m posting this so that when you do there is something to find. There wasn’t much when I looked.
It’s the line endings. MySQL isn’t getting what it expects, so specify the format of the file using LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’ or whatever is appropriate for you:
‘\r\n’ for files that came from Windows systems
‘\r’ for files from VMS
‘\n’ for every other source.
Hope that helps.
I spent too much time trying to find out why MySQL didn’t recognize ‘\n’ as a new line.
So, I tried your suggestion ‘\r\n’ and it worked.
Thank you so much!
Also spent long time for this stupid error. Thanks a lot for posting and explaining so easy.
Wow, I can’t believe how simple that was — here I was beginning to think it was a problem with my source CSV. I love you :P!
you cannot believe the stress i was going through trying to figure out what the problem was, dude you my friend are awesome
o thanks a LOHT!!!!
thanks a lot!!

(and google too)
Thank you for this solution I have been trying to fix my CSV’s
I am using \r\n also ..but still getting an error
lines terminated by ‘\r\n’
311347 row(s) affected,64 warning(s): 1262 row 26 was truncated;it contained more data than there were input columns..
Can anyone help?
Hi Manisha,
It sounds like you have an un-escaped delimiter in your data. Look for a comma in one of the fields. If it is escaped or in quotes you can use the ENCLOSED BY and ESCAPED BY terms to say how.
Good luck.
Thank you so much Alan! Saved my life!!
Yes! This is what I was looking for. The /r/n or /n coming from various clients on various machines. Ugh
Just chiming in to say thanks for posting this! I can now stop hitting my head against the wall.
Great post – short and sweet. Right on target.
This relates to data exported from Salesforce using the DataLoader – and ‘\r\n’ was the format that worked.
Thanks for your help.
Tim Bushell
Amazing! Thank you very much! You saved me a lot of time!!!
Thanks this really helped!
Thanks !! useful
Thanks a lot..It worked…
WOW. Thanks!
Thanks for explaining the reason for the 1262 error.
Thanks a lot..It worked…
First search result, solution worked. You’re awesome!
Very usefull even 7 years later, than you very much!!!
Thank you!It really puzzles me
Muito obrigado amigo!! funcionou aqui, vc é demais!!! salvador da patria kkkkkkk
Fantastic thank Alan!!! You’re a star
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!